Thursday, October 13, 2011

Webinar Training – Bidding at the Colorado Online Tax Sales

Our next member webinar training will be held on Wednesday October 19, 2011 from 9pm-10pam eastern. The title of this special webinar is “Bidding At The Colorado Online Tax Sales.”

There are a lot of tax sales going on this fall. Wherever you are planning on investing, whether it's a tax lien sale or tax deed sale and whether it's in person or online, one thing is certain: You’re going to have to bid. For most of the deed sales, it's pretty simple; the price of the deed get's bid up. But the bidding at some tax lien sales can be complicated. Most investors are familiar with the online tax sales in Florida and Arizona, where the interest rate is bid down, but in Colorado premium is bid for tax liens and you’d better know what your bidding
In the next member's webinar training for, will cover Bidding at the Colorado Online Tax Sales, which are going on now and throughout the fall. The information from this month’s training will be added to the bonus videos of the Buying Tax Liens Online course, and everyone who has the course will receive the updated videos. The Buying Tax Liens Online home study course sells for $97, but you don’t have to buy the course to get this webinar recording. In fact because this is a member training, the recording will be posted in the Members Area of And members receive the Buying Tax Liens Online course as a bonus after 60 days of membership. Find out how you can become a member and have access to this one time special training at

1 comment:

Maryam said...

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