Friday, December 05, 2008

Tax Lien Investing Training on Tuesday

Join the Tax Lien Lady and Edwin Kelly and Jeanette Arnholt of Equity Trust Company as they give part 2 of our free training on how to invest in tax lien certificates and tax deeds using a self-directed IRA. This webinar training will take place Tuesday December 9th at 9pm Eastern time.

In part 1 of this informative training Mr. Kelly of Equity Trust Company went over how you can increase your returns on tax lien investing using a self-directed IRA. And he laid out the process of opening and funding your account. You can listen to the replay of Part 1 at

In part 2 of this training, Joanne Musa, the Tax Lien Lady will give her 7 step procedure for investing in profitable tax lien certificates and tax deeds. Learn how you can build your own profitable tax lien or tax deed portfolio and have your profits grow tax free. You can find out more about this webinar and register for free at

1 comment:

Maryam said...

This can really help a lot of people i feel like. Thanks so much for this article!
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